Wel­come to a very unique Chica­go Senior Liv­ing Community.

In the heart of the his­toric Bev­er­ly neigh­bor­hood, you’ll find a Vil­lage in the City.” Smith Vil­lage is mod­ern senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty in south­west Chica­go and a trust­ed pres­ence for near­ly 100 years. Here, you can enjoy a vibrant life in an area you know and love – with­out the demands and costs of home own­er­ship. And because we’re a not-for-prof­it Life Plan Com­mu­ni­ty (also known as a Con­tin­u­ing Care Retire­ment Com­mu­ni­ty or CCRC), you’ll have a guar­an­teed life­time access to com­pre­hen­sive senior health­care ser­vices. You’ll nev­er have to move again. Give us a call – we’re in the neighborhood.

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Cel­e­brat­ing 100 years

Smith Vil­lage is excit­ed to cel­e­brate our cen­ten­ni­al anniver­sary in 2024! We’ll mark this incred­i­ble mile­stone with excit­ing events, infor­ma­tive exhibits, con­certs, video trib­utes and more. Watch our Anniver­sary Video, and learn more here.

Celebrate 100 years!

Are you ready for a senior liv­ing lifestyle? Find out now.

Learn more about senior living and find out which options are the best fit for your family with this quick 4-5 minute survey.

Start Survey
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Get back on your feet faster at Green­leaf Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Center.

Max­i­mize your inde­pen­dence and heal from surgery, injury or ill­ness at our state-of-the-art senior rehab facil­i­ty in south­west Chica­go. We’re open to all old­er adults ages 62+.

Greenleaf Rehab
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What does it cost to live at Smith Village?

Our fees pro­vide every­thing you need to enjoy a won­der­ful life today and ensure your care needs are met for the rest of your life. It’s Chica­go retire­ment liv­ing at its best.

  • Tra­di­tion­al entrance fees begin at $119,000
  • Refund­able entrance fees begin at $186,500 (80% refundable)
  • All-inclu­sive month­ly ser­vice fee (includ­ing apart­ment) begins at $3,539
Learn More
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Join the fun at Well­ness Wednesdays!

Try out the Smith Vil­lage lifestyle. Every Wednes­day, you can join our res­i­dents for fit­ness class­es, games, movies, art class­es and more! Reserve your time now by call­ing Tam­my at 773−474−7303.

Download Calendar