Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing Fees

All Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing Smith Vil­lage res­i­dents are respon­si­ble for two types of fees: Entrance Fees and Month­ly Ser­vice Fees.

Entrance Fee

This is a one-time fee for your senior liv­ing res­i­dence and con­tract, which guar­an­tees life­time res­i­den­cy and access to all lev­els of care should your needs change in the future. The cost varies depend­ing on the size and style of your res­i­dence, and the refund­abil­i­ty amount of your contract.

Smith Vil­lage offers two entrance fee refund plans.

Tra­di­tion­al Entrance Fee: This plan offers a reduced entrance fee. *Start­ing at

80% Refund­able Entrance Fee: This plan offers an 80% refund on the entrance fee paid. *Start­ing at $186,500.

Month­ly Ser­vice Fee

This fee is based upon the style of your senior liv­ing res­i­dence and num­ber of occu­pants, and includes most of your dai­ly liv­ing expenses:

Month­ly Ser­vice fees start at $3,539 and is based upon size of res­i­dence and num­ber of occupants.

Cost Com­par­i­son

How much does it real­ly cost to live at a senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty like Smith Vil­lage? You might be sur­prised. When you com­pare the costs of dai­ly liv­ing, you might find it’s actu­al­ly less expen­sive to move to a senior liv­ing community.

Down­load our handy cost com­par­i­son work­sheet below and com­pare your cost of dai­ly liv­ing vs how much life at Smith Vil­lage could cost to help you make the best deci­sion for your future and budget.