Plate chicken

Every­thing is deli­cious and good for you.

Our meals don’t just taste great; they’re healthy and nutri­tious. Our reg­is­tered dieti­cian makes sure of that. And she helps the kitchen accom­mo­date spe­cial dietary and nutri­tion­al needs – includ­ing low-fat, low-salt, low-sug­ar and gluten-free diets. 

Choose from three won­der­ful din­ing destinations:

Dining room friends

Main Din­ing Room

Open night­ly for din­ner, you’ll enjoy a true restau­rant-style din­ing expe­ri­ence and friend­ly table-side ser­vice. The chef’s dai­ly menu includes two sea­son­al spe­cials and a rotat­ing selec­tion of pop­u­lar entrees. The Main Din­ing Room also hosts a pop­u­lar themed din­ner every month and a pri­vate month­ly din­ner for res­i­dents cel­e­brat­ing their birthdays.

Oak room bday 4422

The Oak Room

For lunch and din­ner, it’s a pop­u­lar stop for fresh­ly pre­pared casu­al cui­sine. And late after­noon through the evening, the Oak Room becomes a live­ly pub and sports bar. (Don’t miss the very pop­u­lar hap­py hours).

Market Place 0124

Mar­ket Place Café

For break­fast, lunch or a quick snack on the go, the Mar­ket Place Café offers great food in a casu­al set­ting. The menu includes house-made soups, sand­wich­es, fresh sal­ads, piz­za, grilled spe­cials, desserts and more.