Marti Jatis

Executive Director

Mar­ti has a sol­id Smith back­ground, hav­ing served 14 years as the direc­tor of food ser­vice oper­a­tions for both Smith Vil­lage and our sis­ter cam­pus, Smith Cross­ing, in Orland Park. In addi­tion, Mar­ti is a licensed nurs­ing home admin­is­tra­tor. My goal is to make res­i­dents feel this is their home and they do have a say in things. It’s impor­tant that I and mem­bers of my entire team are care­ful to remem­ber we’re in their home and to keep every­one safe and comfortable.”

Meghan Maple

Associate Executive Director

Meghan sees Smith Vil­lage as her extend­ed fam­i­ly. Her role com­bines over­see­ing the life enrich­ment staff, coor­di­nat­ing mem­o­ry care activ­i­ties, and con­fer­ring with the fam­i­lies of res­i­dents in assist­ed liv­ing. In addi­tion to spend­ing time with staff and res­i­dents in assist­ed liv­ing and skilled nurs­ing care, she is respon­si­ble for their man­age­ment, sched­ul­ing and budgeting.

Theresa Rusch

Sales Counselor

There­sa enjoys get­ting to know res­i­dents and their fam­i­lies on a per­son­al basis. The best part of my job is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a part of this won­der­ful com­mu­ni­ty of peo­ple, the staff and the res­i­dents,” she says. There is so much to learn from their experience.”

Tammy Stockover

Sales Coordinator

When a res­i­dent asked me, Where have you been all my life?’,” explains Tam­my, I felt great to know she was count­ing on me and I can help.” Tam­my finds that res­i­dents and employ­ees share the goal of tak­ing care of every­one in the com­mu­ni­ty. It’s a great place to work and a great place to live.”

Amy Majcina

Social Services Director

Amy is part of the team that helps our res­i­dents in Skilled Nurs­ing Care and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion bal­ance inde­pen­dence and safe­ty so they can make the most of every day. She loves get­ting to know them.​“Each one has a fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry, and I enjoy hear­ing about all their adventures.”

Shannon McGuire

Resident Services Concierge

Shan­non thinks the neigh­bor­hood feel­ing is what makes Smith Vil­lage so spe­cial. Every­one already seems to know every­one else or have some con­nec­tion through a friend,” she says. Plus, our team — start­ing with our lead­ers — cares a great deal about the res­i­dents.” She thinks of the res­i­dents as her adopt­ed grand­par­ents, for whom her door is always open to offer help or just to chat.

Bridget Murphy

Life Enrichment Director

The best part of my job is cre­at­ing activ­i­ties that encour­age res­i­dents to par­tic­i­pate. Spend­ing time togeth­er is one of the perks of liv­ing here,” Brid­get says. Her favorite field trip was to the Sig­na­ture Room for lunch atop the for­mer Han­cock Cen­ter. There, the group drank in the view of Chicago’s sky­line and rem­i­nisced about their days work­ing and liv­ing down­town. There’s always new places to vis­it,” she adds.

Smain Sadok M.D.

Medical Director

Dr. Sadok is com­mit­ted to edu­cat­ing res­i­dents, fam­i­lies and staff about health issues fac­ing old­er adults. My years as a doc­tor have taught me that health chal­lenges for patients also affect their fam­i­lies.” On the staff of Lit­tle Com­pa­ny of Mary, Advo­cate Christ, and Holy Cross hos­pi­tals, his goal is to ensure that Smith Vil­lage remains a car­ing, sup­port­ive community.”

Ricardo Ramos

Director of Nursing

Ricky, who grew up in his grand­par­ents’ home, is par­tial to being around seniors, They’re like my fam­i­ly.” He tries to moti­vate every­one on his nurs­ing team to real­ly care about each res­i­dent. He knows what it takes because he start­ed at Smith Vil­lage as a CNA. Always pos­i­tive, he adds, We want them to have the best life they pos­si­bly can.”

Kelley Flynn

Admissions Director

Kel­ley thinks old­er adults ask all the right ques­tions and get right to the point,” which can be real­ly help­ful to her in her role of find­ing the best way Smith Vil­lage can help a new res­i­dent. She eval­u­ates the full spec­trum of needs for each incom­ing skilled nurs­ing care and short-term stay rehab res­i­dent to best under­stand their wants and needs. And she looks for­ward to exchang­ing greet­ings with them when they’re resid­ing here.

Michelle Sandifer

Executive Chef

What Michelle rel­ish­es about her job is the impact she has on staff and res­i­dents, and they on her. It’s very easy to build gen­uine con­nec­tions with res­i­dents, to become part of their extend­ed fam­i­ly,” she exclaims. Some even text her when she’s off-site. Michelle also likes how Smith Vil­lage is very ori­ent­ed to the sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty in Bev­er­ly. We’re neigh­bors, not just a business.”

Jari Lancaster

Director of Dining Services

Ask Jari what likes most about his job and he responds, Tak­ing care of peo­ple, being the best part of their day.” With a strong hos­pi­tal­i­ty back­ground, he thrives on peo­ple light­ing up and look­ing hap­py when they see him in the din­ing room. Engag­ing with cowork­ers attract­ed him to Smith. Some col­leagues have been here for 20-plus years and vir­tu­al­ly every­one wants to continue.“

Alice Bailey

Assistant Director of Dining Services

In 1997, Alice joined Smith Vil­lage din­ing ser­vices. By tak­ing advan­tage of employ­ee train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, she pre­pared her­self for greater respon­si­bil­i­ties, includ­ing over­see­ing din­ing ser­vices for Assist­ed Liv­ing res­i­dents. It’s impor­tant to go beyond, to learn and try new things,” she says. Res­i­dents are like fam­i­ly to me. I love mak­ing them smile.”

Maureen Luschen

Registered Dietitian

Mau­reen gets great sat­is­fac­tion from col­lab­o­rat­ing with the chef to present cook­ing class­es for res­i­dents. At them, the chef offers a recipe and Mau­reen focus­es on the sci­ence behind each ingre­di­ent, its ben­e­fits and nutri­ents, where it’s from, how to use it. That way, res­i­dents are invest­ed in what we’re doing for them,” she says. At Smith Vil­lage, we real­ly care about our res­i­dents, put them first. And res­i­dents have a voice here.”

Joe Cariola

Facility Management Director

Joe enjoys talk­ing with res­i­dents when he pass­es them in the hall­ways because he loves tap­ping into their wealth of knowl­edge and expe­ri­ences. Smith Vil­lage val­ues his 25 years in build­ing man­age­ment as well as his pri­or­i­ty on res­i­dent ser­vice. What makes Smith Vil­lage a spe­cial place to work? He says it is employ­ees’ ded­i­ca­tion. We go above and beyond to get things done.”

Jack Crist

EVS & Housekeeping Assistant Director

Jack likes to help peo­ple, whether it’s direc­tions, a push for a wheel­chair or a sim­ple good morn­ing” to bright­en a day. When a res­i­dent tells him about an issue, he con­fi­dent­ly responds, We’ll have some­body up to your place right away.” His most mem­o­rable moment? When Smith’s neigh­bors had a car parade to cheer up res­i­dents and staff mem­bers in the mid­dle of the pan­dem­ic. It was a big ral­ly­ing point for every­one here.”

Smith Vil­lage Board of Trustees

The Smith Vil­lage Board of Trustees pro­vides thought­ful, expe­ri­enced over­sight that helps ensure the con­tin­u­a­tion of our mis­sion to ben­e­fit res­i­dents and their fam­i­lies, as well as the long-term direc­tion and sta­bil­i­ty of our Life Plan Community.